
これは今日の 伊豆 大浜海岸 の様子です。この工事のことを知っていた方はどれほどいることでしょう。地元住民、もちろんサーフィンされに来る方は何の工事なのか疑問を抱くでしょう。こういうことだと思います。


This is the state of the Izu Ohama coast of today. If you knew of this work it will be to have much. Local residents, of course those who come to be surfing will feel a sense of doubt what the construction of the. I think that it is this kind of thing.

Who will pay the expensive maintenance costs after it was made if seawall was built. So, it is the residents. Residents at that time, might be their children will continue to live here in the future, grandchildren, so that to live shouldering what you went nephew.
